Excogitatoris Forum

Main Discussion Topics => Vaccine Coercion => Topic started by: Excogitatoris on 17 Jul 21, 23:18:08

Title: Risk/Benefit of mandatory vaccinations for Aged Care workers
Post by: Excogitatoris on 17 Jul 21, 23:18:08
Please (Register &) Login to view the attachment to this post. (The analysis)
or use this LINK (https://www.excogitatoris.site/Documents/Risk%20Benefit%20Man%20Vac%20Aged%20Care.pdf)

Dear politicians please stop panicking and politicising and do some analysis!
Title: Re: Risk/Benefit of mandatory vaccinations for Aged Care workers
Post by: Neo on 25 Jul 21, 08:33:20
This document is pure genius!!... You should be very proud of yourself for putting this together.  ;)

Just confirming that this is the finished report (no further analysis to add) and that it's Ok to share this document around with like-minded people?
Title: Re: Risk/Benefit of mandatory vaccinations for Aged Care workers
Post by: Excogitatoris on 25 Jul 21, 08:50:24
I posted it to be shared and put some common sense perspective to the fear driven policies.

An experienced statistician and former governmental executive has done a similar analysis on the costs of lockdowns in the Netherlands: It costs 3 to 5 times more quality live-years than it saves. An excellent video about this is to be found via this LINK (https://www.blckbx.tv/videos/overheid-offert-520000-levensjaren).
It is in Dutch though. (I asked them to put on English subtitles)  It also goes into how it comes that this 'Utilism' principle is ignored due to the 'Rescue' principle.

Title: Re: Risk/Benefit of mandatory vaccinations for Aged Care workers
Post by: Neo on 26 Jul 21, 09:25:40
Youtube can Auto-Translate to English, but it's hard to watch an hour of subtitles. Have you seen any English written articles on this?