How can we criticise China for 'social credit systems' or the treatment of groups that believe in things that are not favoured by the ruling class, if we condone vaccine-coercion in our society? The government can't say vaccinations are voluntary whilst leaving it up to any private organisation to introduce any far fetching vaccine coercion that they want. It is pure hypocracy!
This has unfortunately been occurring for some time now outside of the vaccination space. Censorship and increasing limitations on freedoms are common practice now. I have thought for some time now that the difference between China and the west is more simply superficial. We speak of our freedoms, and freedom of the press, but look at Julian Assange. Every time a country tries to bypass the petro-dollar the US goes in to "liberate" it.
The vaccination issue along with COVID19 in general brings to light how controlled our supposedly free countries are. We are free only as a concept, but in reality we let our freedoms slide for the smallest comforts due to propaganda, etc.
Our political parties are one and the same. Their differences too are superficial. There is one direction that we go regardless, with a few fringe issues (gender issues or whatever) to keep the people participating.
I agree, but we shouldn't let it run it's course. It is time that libertarians take a more assertive approach to counter cancel culture and the 'science' fallacy. In a country with a 2 party system, when both main parties kowtow to a media elite narrative, how do you re-introduce common sense? Is this worth setting up a separate board to discuss this?
One way to generate libertarians is to force regular people to do things they're not comfortable with. I guess this goes into vaccinations more, but what do we really need here in Australia to turn things around? Maybe this issue, and that of lockdowns.. can bring enough people together to counter the rest.
Take the last week for example. There have been significant protests in Sydney and Melbourne (and around the world). You may have seen videos of this on Telegram, but I have not seen these videos on mainstream media (granted I don't pay much attention to MSM). If it is true that these protests aren't being covered by the media, the reason for this is obvious. As much as an individual may feel outraged, if they do not know that others are also outraged, they are less likely to protest. The greatest threat to tyranny is the people united against it.
So.. right now, we are blocked from forming groups on social media. We are spread out thin among multiple alternative platforms. What we need is a place to gather, with the place/forum partitioned by state. It needs to be impossible to take down. They've taken down frontlinedoctors website, for example. Once this place (let's call it the Tower of Babel - or this site?) is set up, we need to go out to all platforms with one message. "If you have a problem with vaccine coercion, endless lockdowns and an increasingly tyrannical government, go to......". As part of the signing up process, it must be stated that the sole reason for the site is to gather all like-minded people together so that we can protest en masse. That for now, the only mission is to gather more people. When a certain threshold is reached, then the protests start. For example, if we can guarantee at least 10,000 people will turn up and are committed, then the protest is set for two weeks time. As a member, when the time comes each member must commit to peaceful protest in the states capital. No "I've got work". This only works if we work together. A protest isn't worth going to if there's only a few hundred people attending.
A platform needs to be set up for mass protest... it could even be gamified to a certain extent to encourage people. That latest government petition got at least 300,000 votes... the people are out there. I imagine far far more.
If the rules of the forum are similar to say, fight club, in that, membership is to be taken fucking seriously, and it's the duty of each member to continuously seek out people will to protest against this BS (and have them too join), then before long, you've got a movement that can really start to gain some traction.
So the message needs to be simple. The rules and point of the forum needs to be very simple. There needs to be a way to guarantee that when the time comes, members will show up to protest.
A suggestion for gamification could be a method to verify protesters who turned up (some kind of scanner app). On turning up, a badge is attached to their forum profile. The main issue is that there is no centralized place to organize. This needs to change, and fast.
On the topic of protest, report that French are making Vaccine Flambe - torching Vacc Centres!