1. Keep responses on topic or start new topic.
2. Keep debating style civilised.
- Do not intentionally insult. Keep arguments based on facts or common sense.
- There is no honour in having the last word. If a debate is nearing a stalemate, without further reasonable arguments to be exchanged, just post IATD ("I agree to disagree"). IATD is to be respected without further comment.
- The use of capital letters is allowed to emphasise or express frustration. Avoid excessive use of capitals.
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4. Respect Moderation. Moderation rulings are final and will not be discussed on the forum. You may discuss with the moderator privately. Do not attempt to circumvent suspensions.
5. Observe Australian copyright and defamation laws and all other laws relating to acceptable speech.
6. Failure to abide by these rules may result in warnings, post alteration, deletion and/or account suspension.